
Posts Tagged ‘#smallholderfarmer’

Buhle honoured to receive Isaac Motaung Award

31st July 2020

The Buhle Farmers’ Academy is honoured to have received the inaugural Isaac Motaung Award, in memory of an inspiring South African. Mr Motaung was a businessman and humanitarian with a keen interest in and thorough understanding of cattle farming. A former HR director of Pick ‘n Pay, Mr Motaung was also a trustee of the […]

Buhle appears on Danish TV

30th August 2018

  Thank you to the Danish TV station TV Avisen for this video on Buhle’s work in empowering new farmers. “Those people who receive the land must receive skills to farm it, so that their farms can become economically viable,” our CEO Nyiko Maluleke told the TV station. “Within a short space of time I feel […]