Food for Mzansi reports how Buhle entices youth to farming

This Food for Mzansi story documents how Buhle continues to entice young people to farming as a profitable and sustainable career.

Our non-profit organisation has made great strides in increasing youth participation in our training courses: we have trained a total of 1115 farmers in the past three years, a whopping 966, or 89% of them, youth. This unwavering commitment to empowering a new generation of farmers comes amid observations of rising food shortages, prediction of greater shortages to come, and concerns about South Africa’s ageing farmer population.

Buhle has continued its unwavering commitment to empowering new farmers since we opened our doors in the year 2000. Our academy believes that by offering comprehensive training programmes, the appropriate facilities, and expert guidance from industry professionals. each student receives a holistic learning experience.

Read the full story here.

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