Buhle is offering a host of courses for the remainder of 2020, having adapted our schedule after the national Covid-19 lockdown:
1. Grain Production, 30 November – 18 December, is the first of four modules in this course. Students can choose to do just this module, which concentrates on how to operate a tractor and the different equipment used in land preparation, or all four modules. The next three will take place in 2021.
2. Our many short courses include Tractor Operation and Management, Introduction to Basic Vegetable Production, Intro to Layer House Management, Intro to Broiler Production, Intro to Piggery Production and Hydroponics (see graphic below for dates and text below the graphic for course descriptions). Enroll on www.buhle.org.za/enroll and WhatsApp 063 287 2732 with queries.
3. Our online Financial Management course. Financial Management is a make-or-break skill for every farmer building up a profitable agribusiness. Find out more and enroll on www.learn.buhle.org.za.
Enroll on www.buhle.org.za/enroll and WhatsApp 063 287 2732 with queries.
Introduction to basic vegetable production
This course focuses on the principles of vegetable production under irrigation. The learner will gain an understanding of:
- The procedures of soil analysis and land preparation for planting
- Correct planting procedures which includes plant spacing
- The safe and correct use of chemicals for pest and weed eradication
- Fertilisation and irrigation to ensure crop establishment and growth
- The formulation of seedlings for own production
- Harvesting methods that assist maintenance of product quality
A practical component is included in the classes i.e. planting/making seedlings/spraying for pests.
Introduction to layer house management
This course serves to introduce the important aspects of managing a layer house unit. The learner will gain an understanding of:
- Layer hen breeds, handling and housing of layer hens and feeding of these birds
- The daily bird health and vaccination principles
- Egg collection, storage and packaging for marketing
- Records to be kept for management purposes
A practical component is included in the classes i.e. feeding birds/collecting eggs/cleaning the house.
Introduction to broiler house management
This course serves as an introduction to the essential aspects of broiler house management. The learner will gain an understanding of:
- Biosecurity, broiler house hygiene and management for bird health
- Broiler breeds, feeding of the birds at different stages
- Diseases and bird vaccination programmes at different stages to promote bird health and development
- Daily house operations from day one until marketing
- Record-keeping and management principles
A practical component is included in the classes i.e. cleaning the broiler house/placement of chicks/feeding of the birds/vaccination of the birds.
Introduction to piggery production
This course introduces the basic aspects of managing a housed piggery unit which enables the learner to learn the following:
- Piggery biosecurity and effective house hygiene management
- Choosing the pig breed suited to your production
- Pig breeding and reproduction
- Pig disease management which includes vaccinations for sow, boar and piglets
- Feeding and nutrition for pigs for intensive feeding systems
A practical component is included in the classes i.e. piggery cleaning/feeding of pigs/ vaccinating pigs.
This course trains students in the basic principles of vegetable production under hydroponics by addressing the following:
- Different systems and structures that can be constructed specifically for hydroponics
- Different growth media to be used in a hydroponics system
- Suitable Crops and cultivars that flourish in this type of system
- Fertigation and irrigation to ensure effective crop establishment and development
- Sanitation and hygiene principles
- Scouting: Pest and Diseases management
Tractor operation and maintenance
This course teaches the basic principles of tractor operating and will allow the learner to gain an understanding of:
- The important safety measures to take when using a tractor
- The daily maintenance of the tractor for production
- Service and maintenance of the tractor for longevity
- How to hitch and use implements for land preparation
A practical component is included in the classes i.e. The practical experience of driving a tractor/ hitching implements/service of a tractor.
For courses next year, please see our Prospectus 2021.
Tags: #agribusiness, #agriculture, #farmertraining